Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sod Project 11 Newport

The decision has been made to repair the salt water damage on 11 Newport. Turf problems have occurred due to salt water tidal flooding and the hole was under 5 feet of water during Hurricane Sandy. 
With the absence of shade due to selective tree removal and for maximum salt tolerance, Latitude 36 Bermudagrass  sod was selected.  We will reestablish the landing area to its original shape. Most of the cool season grass that has contaminated the fairway is being replaced. 

Until the sod is rooted and established, it will be kept very wet. 11 will be roped off to cart traffic.  I anticipate a quick establishment as we are entering prime Bermuda season. We will keep you posted of our progress. We are laying 15000 square feet of sod.

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