Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Irrigation

This is the graph I referred to in the last post.  Each color represents a specific area of the golf course.  This particular night, the irrigation came on at 12:30 AM and was finished by 5:30 AM.  There was 638,000 gallons pumped.  We are responsible for reporting all of our water use to the state.  While the irrigation ponds are on Club property, the water is the property of the state.  We recently had our withdrawl permit revamped to reflect all of our use more accurately. 
There are over 1000 irrigation heads on the OCGC courses.  They vary in size and water flow. They are spaced in single, double and triple rows.  Each station can be adjusted for water amounts.  The systems are not perfect.  In many cases as during this drought period you can see bentgrass tees on Seaside with puddles around them, but the tee tops are relatively dry.  In some cases, we have had to use a 1 inch hose on isolated areas/

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