Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What's Up With Those Lines on Seaaside Greens???

One of the components of the USGA visit in April, was a discussion about how the Seaside greens have shrunk and are they restorable.  Based on thier feedback, we came up with a plan to accomplish this.  Over time, we are finding hidden maintenance problems that show up over time.  We expanded the first cut or intermediate rough with an old fairway mower.  The mower was actually travelling with the tires ON the green.   We decided to eliminate the intermediate around Seaside greens.  I spent a lot of time with Mike Johnson, examiniing where the original greens were and why areas were pulled in.  In some instances there are irrigation heads on the old green surface from the irrigation reconstruction.  Some areas were pulled in due to soil conditions, humps or in the case of #15, it does not make sense to have the green go back down the approach like it originally was.  We expanded the greens where it made sense and where we could add some nicer contours for variety.  The plan going forward is we mowed these expansion areas with a walk mower set at double the greens height.  We will take this height down S-L-O-W-L-Y.  In addition, we areified these areas and the weak collar areas.  We then overseeded with topdressing and creeping bentgrass.  The new collars will be mowed with a triplex.  This will save us some labor and give Seaside a very distinct look.  On some greens, we have gained as many as 10 pin placements!  If we find we have to make some adjustments, we will.  Also, #16 is now fairway up to the approach.  In the long run, I think everyone will like the changes.

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