Wednesday, June 29, 2011

High Tech Water Management

In the past, we have made irrigation decisions based on visual observations and pulling many greens soil samples to check moisture.  We have switched to a more modern method that gives us an exact reading of moisture content in any given area.  The Moisture Meter is inserted into the green at various spots and gives us an average moisture content.   Each golf course is different, but what I have found at OCGC, the wilting point of our greens is when moisture content falls below 10%.  Our ideal moisture is 14-19%.  We check humps and high spots in the morning.  Any spot below 10% is hand watered with a hose.  When our average drops below 10%, we run the overhead irrigation.  I have been surprised at how many times the greens look like they need water, but are fine.  This promotes healthier and firmer greens.  I will refine the process as we move forward.

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