Thursday, December 20, 2012

What Happened to the Newport Pond?

Once the flood water from Hurricane Sandy receded, we noticed the water foaming around our fountain. We also noticed foaming when cleaning equipment. I made a decision to have the pond water tested at a lab. The results showed the water was not suitable for fine turf irrigation. I interpreted the results and has my interpretation reviewed by the USGA. The sodium, chloride and boron levels were toxic by 100x!!! We decided to pump a majority of the water out of the pond. A combination of rain and well water should restore the pond. Remember there was at least 5-8 feet of bay water on top of the pond. A good thing came of this. Once the water level lowered we inspected the intake line. We discovered the line was made of galvanized steel and was badly deteriorated. This could cause silt, sans, eels and fish to enter and clog our irrigation system. It's much better to replace this pipe now than in July!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Vandals Strike

Tuesday night, a group of vandals broke into our first cart barn. About 20 carts were driven out on the golf courses. They drove over and through bunkers and made donuts on 8 greens. Fortunately it's December and the greens were firm and well rooted. We applied a fungicide and some Floratine Per 4 Max to help the tracks recover. The police and forensics units were here to take prints, photos and DNA samples.